Vinoteca's Bordeaux Campaign
Project done in collaboration with art director Fernando Reyes Casillas and Brands & People.
Vinoteca sought to capture the essence of tasting their French wines. The first thing that came to mind to Fernando was that it had to be through illustration. Aware of my extensive illustration experience, he invited me to collaborate. He decided the campaign should reflect the joy and sophistication of their wines, so I was tasked with creating illustrations that immortalize the feeling of an artist celebrating an unforgettable event.
Proyecto hecho en colaboración con el director de arte Fernando Reyes Casillas y Brands & People.
Vinoteca buscaba capturar la esencia de probar sus vinos franceses. Lo primero que se le ocurrió a Fernando fue que debía hacerse a través de la ilustración. Consciente de mi amplia experiencia en ilustración, me invitó a colaborar. Decidió que la campaña debía reflejar la alegría y sofisticación de sus vinos, por lo que me encargó crear ilustraciones que inmortalizaran el sentimiento de un artista celebrando un evento inolvidable.
Pen sketches pt.01
Pen sketches pt.01
Pen sketches pt.02
Pen sketches pt.02
Pen sketches pt.03
Pen sketches pt.03
Official campaign Illustration
Official campaign Illustration
Official campaign illustrations pt.02
Official campaign illustrations pt.02
Official campaign illustrations pt.03
Official campaign illustrations pt.03
Illsutrations applied to social media
Illsutrations applied to social media